Volume corresponde a 30% do consumo total do Sindicato Rural de Uberlândia e seria suficiente para abastecer 30 residências com consumo médio de 200 kwh/mês O grupo que conclui o mandato à frente do Sindicato Rural, liderado por Gustavo Galassi, destaca-se por ações inovadoras nos setores que mais avançam...
Thiago Bianchi Silveira foi eleito presidente em assembleia geral na tarde desta segunda-feira (07) com 98 votos válidos em chapa única e assumirá o cargo no Sindicato Rural de Uberlândia a partir de 25 de janeiro de 2021. A votação elegeu ainda membros da nova Diretoria e do Conselho...
No próximo domingo, dia 27 de setembro, a partir das 15 horas, o Sindicato Rural de Uberlândia realiza mais uma edição virtual do Leilão Gado de Corte Especial no parque de exposições Camaru. Em respeito às normas para contenção da Covid-19, o leilão acontece com transmissão ao vivo pelo...
The ground-breaking research took 11 years to complete and is the longest study announcement comes at a time where half of British adults have tooth decay while one in four children will start school with decay in their baby teeth. Despite many positive changes to the landscape of oral...
The ground-breaking research took 11 years to complete and is the longest study announcement comes at a time where half of British adults have tooth decay while one in four children will start school with decay in their baby teeth. Despite many positive changes to the landscape of oral...
The ground-breaking research took 11 years to complete and is the longest study announcement comes at a time where half of British adults have tooth decay while one in four children will start school with decay in their baby teeth. Despite many positive changes to the landscape of oral...
The ground-breaking research took 11 years to complete and is the longest study announcement comes at a time where half of British adults have tooth decay while one in four children will start school with decay in their baby teeth. Despite many positive changes to the landscape of oral...
The ground-breaking research took 11 years to complete and is the longest study announcement comes at a time where half of British adults have tooth decay while one in four children will start school with decay in their baby teeth. Despite many positive changes to the landscape of oral...
The ground-breaking research took 11 years to complete and is the longest study announcement comes at a time where half of British adults have tooth decay while one in four children will start school with decay in their baby teeth. Despite many positive changes to the landscape of oral...
No último mês de Agosto, a diretoria do Sindicato Rural de Uberlândia (SRU) firmou uma parceria importante com a Faculdade Rehagro. A instituição de ensino está há 18 anos no mercado e já formou mais de 21 mil pessoas no agronegócio. Cada associado ativo do SRU terá direito a...